Episode #36: Unlock Your Potential: 3 Steps to Optimizing Your Capacity with Nick Boleto

May 01, 2024 01:04:22
Episode #36: Unlock Your Potential: 3 Steps to Optimizing Your Capacity with Nick Boleto
The Fully Expressed Podcast
Episode #36: Unlock Your Potential: 3 Steps to Optimizing Your Capacity with Nick Boleto

May 01 2024 | 01:04:22


Show Notes

Ever wondered how wellness integration can amplify your life’s capacity?

In this enlightening episode of “Fully Expressed Podcast,” we’re joined by the insightful Nick Boleto, a holistic health practitioner and expert in wellness optimization.

Nick shares his profound journey from overcoming personal health challenges to embracing a holistic lifestyle that enhances his overall capacity. This discussion unveils how wellness, from diet to mindfulness, directly influences productivity, creativity, and happiness.

Nick also delves into practical strategies for enhancing life’s capacity through wellness integration, focusing on nutrition, exercise, and mental health. He shares how small, consistent lifestyle adjustments can lead to significant improvements in personal and professional realms.

This episode is packed with actionable insights for anyone looking to elevate their health and capacity to handle life’s demands more effectively.

You can read the full podcast transcript for this episode below:

Full Transcript
Welcome to the Fully Express podcast with Karenna.
I am your podcast host, Karenna Soto.
And this is the show where we have conversations and discussions that invite you into living a life fully expressed, creating a life where you feel like your fullest expressed self finding and creating relationships where you feel like your most expressed self as well as what does that, what does that look like professionally?
And so in your life in your business and in your career, it’s like truly bringing your most authentic self to any room that you step into.
And today is really fun because today’s episode, you’re going to get me and Nick, which some of you have heard and met us, met him before.
And those that don’t know, Nick is my partner, my, the person that I choose to do this life with.
And in literally, in like less than a week ago, Nick proposed and we’re so excited to share that we are officially engaged.
So we have gone from girlfriend, boyfriend to partners to official fiances and stop Nick with the audio responses, the background.
I’m just going to have him in the back to like do my little music.
I’m just here for Ad Libs.
Anyways, it was such a sweet proposal.
And in short, like I did, I did go through some of my own internal process when it came to the proposal and going through this process of now like stepping into that chapter and I would be happy to share what that has been like for me because I feel like it’s something that I’ve been hearing often from other brides that have stepped into this space.
And I think stepping this next chapter just brings up a lot of different challenges and hard conversations that we have to have with ourselves, but even with other people in our life, so I would be more than happy to share that on a different episode.
But for today’s episode, we’re going to double down on how you can actually expand and optimize your capacity.
So a couple episodes ago, if you got a chance to listen to it, it’s the episode where I talked about specific strategies to avoid burnout.
So what does it look like to feel successful in your life in your relationships and business altogether?
Because, you know, as human beings, we’re doing a lot, we are in our day to day, right?
We have our businesses, our work, our careers, whatever you end up doing for a living to be able to pay the bills as well as express yourself purposely.
And we also have relationships like we have our significant others.
Maybe we have really close friends, maybe we have brothers and sisters.
We have family members.
Some of you listening here have kids.
And so we have all of those responsibilities and commitments and opportunities that we have brought into our lives as well as we have ourselves that we have to take care of.
We have the day to day administration, things to our lives, like taxes and cooking and cleaning, feeding and cleaning and medical bills.
I mean, you name it right when we look at our lives like we have, we are doing a lot and I don’t want to ignore the fact that we’re doing a lot, but I do want to share with you how you can start to optimize your life in a way that you have the capacity for all those things.
And in that last episode, I really highlighted how, what it looks like to one, set up your, your calendar so you can set yourself up for success and have that kind of structure.
But then two, you know, a lot of the podcast episode was about how you can start to determine your capacity and show up with the capacity that you do have.
So, so many of us are, are living in this place of exhaustion, chronic fatigue, overwhelmed, constantly stretched in living in fight or flight all the time.
Our systems don’t really have the time to fully recharge.
And so we’re always craving that vacation, right?
It feels like every day is a new day that we’re going to run a sprint and every week feels like the same marathon.
So, you know, that episode really talked about that.
But for this very specific episode, I really wanted to double down on how you can actually expand your capacity, really optimize your capacity to show up for your life.
And I couldn’t think of anyone better to be on this podcast with me because Nick is a wealth of knowledge is the best way I can say, you know, all of our friends and the people around us always look to Nick as encyclopedia.
I feel like all I have to do is ask him a question and he’s Google in a lot of ways, this man is someone that deep research papers and is constantly reading different books and learning different studies.
And what I love about Nick’s knowledge is that he definitely comes from the background of traditional nutrition and fitness and has recently stepped into really honoring a holistic point of view.
So with that being said, I’m gonna let him introduce himself because it’s really exciting in the last month or so.
He has officially received a new certification that he gets to share with you today.
Yeah, thanks for that intro.
You always speak about me much more highly than I speak about myself, which I think makes you a great podcast host.
And lucky for me, it would be my fiance as well.
But yes, I recently completed a certified Holistic health practitioner certification, the redundancy department of redundancy.
And so, yeah, it’s a three year long program that I was able to place out of the first two years of because of my prior education.
And I completed this program, historically, it would have made me a naturopathic doctor.
But, and I think 2016, the school that I went to decided to proactively change that because of the lines between traditional naturopaths and the modern naturopathic doctors were getting blurry.
So now I’m a certified holistic health practitioner and I have the opportunity to sit for boards and that would make me a board certified naturopathic doctor if I pass that.
So I’m like basically a doctor, but I’m certainly not giving you medical advice.
Let’s make that clear.
I say today will be medical advice, but I, I will give you some, some golden nuggets that’ll help you optimize your health.
I guarantee it.
Well, something I would love for you to share what it was like for you before you stepped into this row and when you maybe if you’re open to talking a little bit about what it was like to getting diagnosed with PTSD and what you felt like as an entrepreneur and where you started.
So when I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2018, I was bright young bushy tailed kid who had just graduated college.
I, I’ve been working in collegiate strength and conditioning and been struggling with my mental health, which I thought was normal, having like panic attacks and just general, general anxiety and depression.
And then I decided entrepreneurship would be easier.
Terrible idea.
But thought entrepreneurship would be easier than 100 hour work weeks that are required of lead to strength and conditioning.
So I started my online fitness coaching business and I would have like these really high peaks because I am good at what I do.
I would so I would make all these sales and then I would like literally not be able to show up on social media at all.
I had like my first ever 10-K months and then, like, I had to take two or three months off after that.
And then, you know, I eventually got into the world of life coaching as well and I was providing personal development as Rael Fitness nut for my clients.
And so I was making this really powerful pivot and then I would just kind of disappear altogether.
And in general, I was experiencing this pattern in my life and in my business where I would have high highs and low lows and my low lows started to come more frequently and be longer lasting as well.
You know, I remember a point in time, a few years ago where I hadn’t eaten for like a couple of days in a row and I walked into the kitchen finally and opened the door of the fridge and I just like started crying because I knew that there was just no way that I could like make a eel, couldn’t like go through with that process because I was so under resourced.
Like I was so to use credits terminology.
I was so beyond my capacity and eventually this to make a long story shorter, I eventually went to the Amon Clinic to work with Doctor Amon and his team, Dr Amon.
For those unfamiliar, has millions of followers across his social media platforms.
He’s a world renowned psychiatrist and he’s mostly well known for his TED talk that he gave several years ago.
And the basis of his TED talk was that psychiatry is the only field of medicine where the doctors are treating an organ.
They don’t first try to look at.
So if you have a heart problem, you’re going to, you’re going to go to a heart doctor and they’re going to look at your heart.
Well, if you are depressed and you go to a psychiatrist, you’re going to tell them your symptoms and they’re going to prescribe you a medication based on your symptoms without ever looking at your brain.
And for me, I kind of had this intuition that my symptoms were pretty complex.
I’m a pretty complex guy, but then she said so just a little bit, I think we all are, but I felt like my symptoms were pretty complex.
And so I wanted somebody to not just look at my symptoms, I wanted them to.
Yes, look at my symptoms.
Yes, look at my history, but look at me as a whole person because I felt very strongly that your physical, your emotional, your spiritual health, all of those were tied so strongly together.
And at the end of clinic, they do actually look at your brain, they take scans of it.
So I worked Dr Amen.
The other thing that really attracted me about the Amen Clinic was they have this holistic approach to mental wellness.
So they first and foremost, want to work with you on your lifestyle and your nutrition and your exercise and fitness habits and supplementation.
And then and only then would they recommend oh and like traditional therapy and different modalities of therapy.
And then and only that would they use pharmaceutical drugs?
Certainly not the naturopath who is going to talk negatively about pharmaceutical drugs.
That is not my prerogatives.
I know it’s other naturopaths prerogatives.
But I wanted that to be kind of a last resort.
I wanted to make sure that I had done everything that I could do before I went down that that route.
And so in working with the A MA clinic, I did all of their tests.
I even did like traditional blood tests that you would do with a doctor or functional medicine doctor.
I did their like different personality type assessments, their memory and cognition assessments got my brain scanned twice and the doctor sat me down and he diagnosed me with post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD as well as like major depression, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder.
He was able to show me my brain and essentially explained to me that on how bad my brain looked.
His words, how bad my brain worked.
One, I should feel very grateful for the healthy lifestyle that I had already been living up until now because it, it really was probably saving me in many ways.
But that too, in his professional opinion, based on how well I had already been living.
My best chance to really make an improvement was to, to use pharmaceutical drugs.
And so I did get on antidepressants but and that didn’t bother me.
But what did bother me was this idea that there is nothing more that I could do that.
There is no lifestyle changes that there is no nutrition changes, no supplement changes that would make market change that would really, really help me.
And so with this idea in mind of like, well, I know that I don’t want to do this forever.
I want to figure out this issue for me.
I want to solve this challenge.
And also with this new context through, through the lens of our capacities, right?
I now understood that my capacity was not the same as everybody else’s.
And so this is a journey of physical health, but also personal development and emotion well being of honoring my capacity because it’s, it was much lower than other people’s.
And so this journey for me was kind of this culmination of personal development, honoring my capacity, but also wanting to optimize my nutrition and my lifestyle to expand my capacity so I could get it to be, be where other people’s were.
And throughout this entire process, I, you know, haven’t been an entrepreneur and where I sit today, I’ve been able to, to go back into entrepreneurship because I’ve expanded my capacity.
I’ve done the necessary healing.
And so I’m just really excited and finally energized and resourced enough to actually share these gifts with other people.
Thank you so much for sharing all that with them because I think, you know, we haven’t like fully dove into that process and what it was looked like for you and that healing stuff because it was, it was definitely a time for you to like really heal, to really learn and, and healing meant not just your words, taking Zoloft or antidepressants.
It was like, how can I truly regulate my nervous system?
Truly heal like my internal health and my internal well being something that I thought about is that a lot of people in entrepreneurship don’t talk about this, right?
This like how triggering entrepreneurship really is or how, how much, how taxing it is on your nervous system to want to learn all these different strategies, navigate your ego, like navigate the pressures of having to show up all the time and not really being supported, especially as like an entrepreneur, you start as a solo entrepreneur.
So you’re not only doing everything in your life, but you’re doing every aspect of your business and that, that takes a lot of energy, right?
So like the way that I think about this and when I mentioned on the podcast, so you really think about your capacity as a battery.
And so when it comes to our day to day, if we just focus on America itself, which burn and I’m almost positive has been defined by American culture.
Like it’s something that Americans defined.
I need to dig into a little bit of that earlier.
But I actually learned that I saw that somewhere.
What do you also like doing some market research calls with people from other countries?
And they were like, yeah, like you can talk about burnout, but I don’t know that it will really resonate in other countries, people in other countries.
And that came up because for those, I don’t know, like realize I’ve been speaking, I am a professional speaker for burnout.
And one of the questions I got was like, are you going to take this internationally?
And I had to do some research like they don’t, they’re not exhausted the way that we are, they’re not burnt out and overdo it like we are in other cultures, life is a lot slower.
They are taking naps in the middle of the day.
They really prioritize family.
And yes, they work hard and yes, they put a lot of pressure on themselves, but they haven’t defined this reason of burnout.
And so they struggle with other things, but like the actual term burnout and the way that we do it because of our American culture and our society, our expectations and blah, blah, blah.
But where I was going with that was the battery.
So when it comes to the battery, I like to think of our capacity like a battery.
And so from zero being like, you are absolutely completely burnt out, which means you wake up in the morning, you’re numb, you feel exhausted, you have chronic fatigue, you are physically ill.
So headaches, chronic pain, any task feels very overwhelming.
So if someone says, hey, can you do this for me?
All of a sudden your internal world starts spiraling and you’re like, I can’t do that.
But obviously you want to say yes to that or you just feel like you are always craving a vacation.
Like even if you go on vacation, it’s not enough because you’re like, I’m still exhausted.
So that is like the extreme version of burnout that is at zero that present battery life.
And when you go into 100 100 looks like absolutely thriving.
You are regulated, you are healthy, physically emotionally and spiritually, you are so damn grateful for life.
You are so resource that you can take on so many tasks you feel genuinely positive about life.
You have this like very positive outlook.
If with work, you are in this abundant mindset.
So you’re really like attracting so much into your life.
And that’s what 100% battery life is.
And for many people that are listening to this and many people that I’ve spoken to is that they’re most likely looking, living at 6050 40% 30% and some are even living at negative 10% battery life or like negative 20.
And we’re all expecting ourselves to operate like we have 100% battery life.
And the truth is, it’s like asking yourself to drive a car with GEO gas in it.
It’s like you expecting our vessels, this beautiful body of ours to operate like it is so well resourced well, like oiled up and we’re not, we’re not, we’re truly not.
And there’s so many things that get us to that point.
And the very specific thing that I want to dive into this podcast episode is like, how can you actually start to optimize this beautiful body that we live in this vessel and increase our physical wealth, which is connected to our emotional health and our spiritual health because they’re all connected.
But from a nutritional perspective, babe, how can someone start to truly just optimize their physical well being what can they start doing today?
Well, I think the first thing that you have to understand and recognize is that our health is constantly under bombardment of threats.
Nowadays, the model world has really good example of this is like the major invention of 100 years ago was the light switch.
And 1000 years ago was the printing press or yeah, or 1500 years ago is the printing press in 2000 years ago is paper.
So like it took us, I think it took us like 1500 years to go from paper to the printing press, but it took us 50 years to from the computer to the smartphone.
So our modern world is bringing forth so much advancement and like what is running the, the engineering that your body is running on is still thousands of years old.
So you’re running this thousands of year old biology and we’re living with these challenges of modern times that your biology never could have imagined.
So again, I want you to imagine if you were to go up to somebody who had just invented paper and hand them a smartphone and pretty much every day.
That’s what we’re doing to ourselves when we are like bombarded by like the blue light that’s emanating from our laptops.
For example, it’s a threat to ourselves that ourselves could have never had the clean years expected, have to deal with on a daily basis.
So let’s talk about like what some of those threats are that we can start to mitigate.
We already talked a little bit about, about light.
So the electromagnetic spectrum, we are electromagnetic beings.
And traditionally speaking, like if we talk about evolutionarily speaking, our cells are made to deal with sunlight, right?
And sunlight is generally good.
We also know that sunlight in excess and if done wrong can also like cause cancer or other issues as well.
So even the sun itself can be dangerous for us.
But there’s all of the, these waves going both ways that are also damaging to us.
So like x rays like radio waves and so like we’re constantly being bombarded by the blue light on our devices by Wi Fi by five G.
So all of these electromagnetic frequencies are damaging ourselves.
You know, something that comes up when you say that, I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I’ve heard from multiple people that they realized that the Wi Fi was causing, giving them headaches.
Oh, totally.
If you, I think one of the things that I’ve noticed is if you take your phone away because most of us like charge our phones at night right next to our heads, like on our bedside table.
If you were to even just put it on the ground, your incidence of like teeth grinding at night would go down significantly.
I hear something similar to what you said, but slightly different where people will wear like bluetooth headphones and they’ll get anxiety or they’ll notice that they like teeth are chattering or you can wear a Bluetooth headphone on one side of your head and you’ll get a headache on that side, but not on the other side.
I feel that so deeply with my Bluetooth headphones.
Like I prefer the wired ones because my Bluetooth headphones like literally hurt my ears now because I’ve become more sensitive by eliminating it.
So I think for me, when I was so for I was always using my airpods at the gym because I used to go to the gym all the time and lately I’ve been doubling down on like Pilates and hot yoga and all these things.
So I’m not really living in that anymore and I switched to my actual wired headphones because it’s less, less frequently.
Yeah, the less frequencies and electronics going in my ears.
And now because I have taken that away, I have realized how much more sensitive I really am to it.
Versus before I was just almost just like sucked into it.
Like it was just like a part of the way that I felt.
And now that I’ve been able to like, remove it, I can actually feel how sensitive and damaging and uncomfortable it really is for my body.
And I think that’s a really important point that you bring up that of some of the things that I might bring up today might be so normal for you that your initial inclination when you hear this advice is that it’s bullshit.
Like you’ll just initially disagree like, oh I wear my airpods all the time.
Like I’m healthy if you stop wearing your airpods for like 90 days and then you start wearing them again and you like bring this knowledge and you know, you work on your intuition and just getting more in touch with your body.
In the meantime, do some meditation and things like that.
You will, you will notice when you put your airpods in like you will be much more sensitive, like you’ll, you’ll feel it like one of the things that one study that I read one time looked at people who had dental fillings, which we know most dental fillings are either made with either silver or mercury, which in high doses can be toxic, heavy metals.
And so people who had dental fillings and wore airpods often would experience more symptoms of heavy metal toxicity related to that and that the researchers essentially were hypothesizing that your airpods were like melting your fillings like into your body.
And so yeah, I mean, we’re just putting these like little mini microwaves into our ears all the time and thinking like this is probably not doing anything.
Yeah, that’s so wild to think about.
You know, I would love to hear.
What’s your, what are some other things that people start to remove?
Remove these toxins or eliminate from their experience that they get to, that they get more sensitive to, like, we were just talking with a friend recently who had been on a really clean diet and then noticed how much sugar they have.
So, like, what are the other kinds of things that someone can eliminate from just their day to day to start to feel more regulated but therefore, will also start to feel more sensitive to these things that are harming us.
Yeah, I mean, the, the first one that I don’t think is controversial at all is like highly processed foods.
So there’s, you know, substantial body of research about like high fructose corn syrup and how it actually is like more sweet is like registers on like over 100 on the sweetness scale that researchers have developed.
So it’s like sweeter than any naturally occurring sugars are including just like sugar cane and a lot of times the highly processed foods also have really high amounts of dietary fat and dietary carbohydrates, which is, which is a big issue.
Usually when things are just really sweet or just really high in fat, they don’t like trigger this response in our brains that makes us want to eat like a ton more.
But when things are both sweet and savory or both sweet and salty, we just can’t get enough of them.
That’s why I like everybody loves pizza because it’s just an awesome flavor profile.
That’s highly addictive.
But more so if you were to think of like, I don’t know, like a Dorito or something that’s going to have this high fructose corn syrup.
Plus all of these other highly processed foods with the highly processed foods.
One, a couple of things that are slightly more controversial would be artificial colors and flavors, artificial sweeteners, things of that nature.
So things like aspartame, things like red 40 we know these things to be like neurotoxic in significantly high doses.
And even if they’re not neurotoxic, we do know that they mess up the ratio of glutamate to Gaba and Gaba is the inhibitory neurotransmitter.
That kind of helps us calm down.
And so like a lot of these things that I’ll be talking about over the course of the next couple of minutes are they’re all stimulants, maybe not direct stimulants like caffeine, but there’s stimulatory as in as opposed to inhibitory.
And so you stack enough of these things on top of each other and now you’ve got a system that just can’t calm down.
And so like a lot of people will demonize like we mentioned earlier, like our friend, a lot of people will demonize sugar and sugar is like really far down on this list of threats.
But yes, if you take away sugar then like you’re also taking away something that is stimulatory as well.
I just think that there’s better places to start before you start taking away sugar a couple of other things would be so quickly.
Does it matter?
What kinds of sugar?
Yeah, of course.
I mean, you’ve got like the highly processed sugars.
Like I talked about even like certain like every carbohydrate source is going to have a different ratio of like fructose to sucrose.
So like certain studies have shown that like sucrose, like pure sucrose, which would be like just pure cane sugar is not nearly as like satisfying to our brains is like a mix of fructose and sucrose.
So there’s certain camps of people who think that you should avoid fructose.
Of course, then that means you’re not eating fruit, which like I would never personally agree with.
Also like honey is significantly sweeter than just pure table sugar because it’s got a lot of fructose in it.
But your body metabolizes it or metabolizes it very differently than like the high fructose corn syrup.
But yes, the like type of sugar.
And again, like the pairing of sugar with fat in the same food is very different than, than like just pure sugar, like eating an apple with fiber and antioxidants and polyphenols is going to have a much different effect in your body than eating like even just pure table sugar.
But definitely if you were to combine the highly processed sugars with the processed fats in like a doughnut or something that’s all going to be like super different.
So like honey and fruit will be very different than just table sugar and donuts.
And that’s not even talking about like the micronutrient content of any of those foods, which of course apples and honey are more micronutrient, micro nutrient dense than table sugar or donuts.
So yeah, that totally answers my question.
I think it’s just so important to work through that because one, as I hear you talk about sugar, you know, being someone that was caught up in like the diet culture for so long you hear sugar is bad, right?
So when people want to diet and go get healthy, they start cutting out everything sugar and then they start eating more processed sugar.
Like what are some of the like the fake sugar sugar, aspartame or things like that?
Or they go and get like a zero sugar.
The Walden Farm syrup.
Yeah like or they go get zero yeah, zero sugar maple syrup or zero sugar drinks, you know like it says zero sugar but it’s just processed.
Is that fair?
And so like breaking that apart because to your point what I’m hearing is like fruit, honey, natural like sugar or sweet, sweet things that come from the earth are better for our bodies versus a processed sugar.
And even though processed foods say that there is zero sugar in it.
The way that they’re making it sweet and tasty is bad.
Is that the best way to say it or just like not well metabolized by our body?
I mean, like I think I mentioned this earlier talking about how like our biology, our genes are thousands of years old and like there is honey that is thousands of years old.
That’s still good, still edible being stored in the pyramids in the Egyptian pyramids.
And so I think it’s pretty safe to say that the biology that we have was made with consuming honey and mind now it was probably made with consuming honey and mind when like it’s summertime, both like physical summer but also like metaphysical summer, like we’re in great abundance and wealth.
Not like struggling and starving.
We’re probably not eating a lot of honey, but like our biology was not made to eat like zero calorie syrup or, you know, or, or aspartame, I mean, like aspartic acid is like eventually precursor to dopamine, but there’s so many other ways to do that and not like not mess up your Giner system along the way.
So yes, to answer your question, like it’s, it has a wildly different effect on our bodies.
What’s your Gaba system that with the word you just said?
So the Gaba is one of the primary neurotransmitters and it’s sort of the inhibitory neurotransmitter.
So Gaba is a neurotransmitter that you, it’s, it’s like a calm, focused, relaxed neurotransmitter that you primarily want to boost when you’re approaching, like going to bed or, you know, for certain people who have like higher stress systems, it might be something that you want to boost first thing in the morning.
Like it’s not a directly, it doesn’t directly stimulate Gaba, but it produces Gaba like effects is amino acid called L theanine, which you can take L theanine like alongside your stimulants.
And essentially, if we were to use like caffeine, for example, caffeine has like a 4 to 6 hour half life.
And what L theanine does is it kind of flattens the curve.
So you don’t get this really high peak and with that really high peak, a lot of times you’ll get like anxiety or stress symptoms or like diarrhea.
So like G I peristalsis.
So the, the, the can kind of like flatten that curve for you.
So you feel the energy for longer and it also sounds more regulated.
Yeah, it’s totally more regulated.
I mean, most people, most people, regardless of like how healthy their diet is would really benefit from like working on their Gaba system.
Like a really good one of the questions that I have on my, on my questionnaire to measure this is if you spend time in the sun and you feel tired, but like in a good way after you spend time in the sun, you likely need more Gaba because like some of the mechanisms that increase Gaba in our brains are driven by light.
So if you like get more sunlight than you usually do and you feel tired after that, it’s usually a good sign that you need more Gaba in your life or like another good one is if you take an antihistamine and you get tired from that, that usually is a sign that like your Gaba system is, is hurting like Benadryl, Benadryl, unless it says specifically that it makes you drowsy, which in, in that case, there’s usually other ingredients that help you fall asleep.
Benadryl on its own should not be making you tired.
So interesting.
So today when we were laying by the pool and I passed out flat face drooling on the drooling on the thing, was that a good indication that I need Gava?
I mean, that possibly some days I do feel tired and other days I feel energized, but usually after being in the sun for a long time, like that’s like a way of grounding me.
I feel like it’s putting me in my body and then I get pretty tired.
I mean, it’s increasing your g, which is, that’s a good thing.
It’s funny that you bring that up though because I have a question right above that question on my questionnaire that says, do you get tired when you spend time in the sun in a bad way?
And usually that is like a lack of minerals and antioxidants, which I know that like we were just traveling, which is probably you were probably low at minerals and antioxidants because we haven’t really been taking the best care of ourselves in the last 24 hours.
So drooling and passing out is probably more along those lines versus like, yeah, the, you get tired but, like, in a good way, you’re like, oh, wow.
I just feel so relaxed.
Like, that’s a sign that you could probably afford to work on your G systems versus, like, and this is not how I always feel like I, my G system is something I routinely have to work on.
Like, today, I felt very energized after the sun.
And generally speaking, if you have optimized your health, that’s how you should feel is you should actually feel more energized by the sun than you did going into it.
Assuming that you’re not like being an asshole about your sun exposure and you’re not like frying for four hours.
Yeah, I think about that.
I’m thinking about it.
I don’t want to go down too much of a rabbit hole.
I want to keep us on track.
But like, I’m thinking about that, like, even during work, sometimes, like I do make an effort to go out in the middle of the day and I come back, I take a shower and I can continue working.
It’s usually like a really good break if I get out there for like, 2030 minutes, 45 minutes and just lay in the sun.
So, is that what you’re talking about?
Yeah, a little bit of sunlight, a little bit of movement.
There was like this really interesting study that I think about a lot that they had people take a nap for 20 minutes.
And another group of people went and walked for 20 minutes and then they measured like how, not just how creative they were after that, but also how productive they were.
So, and the group that went for a walk was both more creative and more productive than the group that took a nap.
So yeah, like really simple things like getting sunlight, getting grounded, getting some walking and like will dramatically improve your health both short and long term.
Yeah, sounds like it increases your capacity to kind of keep it with the word I’m using absolutely increases your capacity.
So what are some other things if there are any that someone can do to start eliminating from their lifestyle, their day to day to increase their capacity and have more of a regulated system so that they can keep showing up.
I would say another one would be increasing the quality of your food.
So we talked about like highly processed food.
So this one’s a little bit more niche.
So this would be moving from like genetically modified foods to organic produce, eliminating like pesticides and herbicides which have been shown to be root causes of like leaky gut symptoms, which could be like constipation, cramping, diarrhea on a more like micro level, you’d be reabsorbing endotoxin which can, you know, mess with your brain, create brain fog.
This would also allow you to like harvest or harbor parasites or bacteria in your intestines.
So, eliminating, yeah, eliminating pesticides and herbicides from your diet.
Moving from conventionally farmed chicken fish or beef to pasture, raised chicken and eggs to wild caught fish to grass, finished beef.
All of those will have without going too into the weeds.
They’ll have lower threats and higher benefits.
All of them will have more nutrition per the same amount of food, which is really cool.
So you get like more of the B vitamins and more of the Tara and more of the everything.
You’ll get a little bit more from choosing the higher quality foods and you’ll get less of the things that could pose threats to your system as well.
How serious is it to actually buy organic?
I mean, it’s such a, you hear it everywhere, right?
Get organic, sustainable, Nonprocessed foods.
But like truly like how, how much can it be impacting someone?
I think?
Well, it impacts us in so many different ways.
Like as far as your individual health goes, the data honestly is like not super clear as to whether or not organic foods are that much healthier than not GMO foods.
I think any time that you’re looking at one isolated variable in the, the research in humans, it’s really difficult to draw any conclusions because we can’t control for as many variables as we would like to like these people in these studies, for example, are just switching from conventionally grown produce to organic produce.
My like concept would be like, well, what if you took like five changes or 10 changes?
You know, and I don’t think that you can sum up exactly like how meaningful that is.
But I also wonder like, what if it’s like a baby is literally born and eats organic their whole lives compared to someone that’s sustainable and like, compare it that way.
And then also compare it to like someone that’s been eating GMO and regular fruits and then converting like what, how much of a difference it does.
I, I also think like some of these, I think to your point, some of these things compound over time.
I mean, like, I didn’t notice any immediate changes within like three months, which again, any time that you read a research study, if it lasts three months, that’s like a very long research study, most of the time it’s going to be like four weeks, six weeks, eight weeks.
But over the course of years of having now switched over to organic produce.
I notice a big change whenever I do eat like traditionally grub produce.
I mean, first of all, it just doesn’t taste as good.
I was just gonna say my palate has gotten so much more pickier because of how much better the fruits are and the taste of like even potatoes.
Oh yeah.
I mean, all of the, all of the organic pasture is all of that, those higher quality foods, they taste so much better.
But I think it’s complicated to answer your question.
I think it’s complicated to tell you how impactful it is on one’s health.
I also think though that there’s a component to eating these high quality foods as far as like environmental sustainability and just like what’s good for the planet, you guys may or may not be familiar with these statistics.
But if we keep farming, the way that we have been farming, we have between like 3040 more harvests left of top soil.
So yeah, that essentially means we have 30 or 40 more years of harvesting in the United States the way that we’ve been farming and what’s really cool about organic or specifically regenerative organic agriculture, which is creating an ecosystem of crop rotation and also having the right animals and a diversity of plants and animals living on pastures.
The way that they’re supposed to is that we can actually like regenerate the soil and you know, essentially save our world.
And so, you know, as far as like to answer your question, is it that much more important for our health?
I think that it is, the research isn’t there yet.
But if you look at it from like a mechanistic standpoint, we have pretty good understanding of the dangers of GMO S and the dangers of pesticides and herbicides and of you know, the heavy metals and farmed fish versus wild cod fish and, you know, we could go on and on.
But I think the, what the impact is on the planet is significantly more important as far as, like, you know, the next generation, like having real food to eat, that’s not like grown in a lab.
So truth be told, I would say that’s the number one reason that people should buy organic and wild claw and pastures and all those things.
Yeah, that’s so beautifully sun.
What’s the next step in recalibrating your capacity?
So once you lower and eliminate the threats, then you want to refill your metabolic tank.
So you want to provide yourself with the right nutrients to, you know, to power yourself.
One of like, one of my primary focuses in working with my clients is the mitochondria specifically.
That is like the primary thing that I read about all the time is what are the biggest dangers to our mitochondria?
And what are the biggest benefactors to our mitochondria and the mitochondria?
Are they do a lot more than just create the energy like we were told in biology evidently.
But like we are told in biology, they do create all of the energy that our body uses to do everything that it does and it, the primary nutrients that your mitochondria used to do that are B vitamins.
So we get B vitamins.
We get most of the B vitamins from beef, chicken organ meats are super important for several of the B vitamins.
Brewer’s yeast is an excellent source of B vitamins if you don’t have gut issues.
So I would just say varied sources of protein.
Generally speaking, are going to cover your B vitamins.
I would say magnesium depending on where you get your information.
Between 60 95% of Americans are deficient in magnesium.
Largely because of the poor farming practices.
We’ve depleted our soil of magnesium because I think the statistics are like 85% of all of the water in America is contaminated with glyphosate.
We’ve depleted all of our water sources of magnesium too.
We used to get naturally occurring magnesium in our waters and now we’re not.
So it would be really hard to get magnesium from food alone.
You’d have to eat like a weird amount of salmon and avocado and it would get really weird and expensive.
So I would recommend picking up a magnesium supplement, find something high quality magnesium is also really well absorbed topically.
So doing things like Epsom salt baths or I mean, in best case scenario would be swimming in the ocean but doing things like that or, I mean, we actually just use a magnesium spray and we just spray that on our bodies and it’s, it’s really great.
There’s magnesium deodorants that you can use.
So there’s lots of different ways to get magnesium throughout your day.
And then I would say like a couple of other really important things would be like collagen and iodine and DH A.
So eat your, eat your seafood, eat your seafood and eat the whole, the whole animal.
So I mentioned organ meats earlier.
Obviously, I am a big proponent of, you know, eating beef and other muscle meats as well.
But it’s also really important to consume collagen or gelatin bone broth, bone marrow, things like that, that, that will supply collagen.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body.
And it’s really important that we consume it.
And again, to the point that I made about the regenerative organic agriculture, I think the the statistic is something like a cow can feed a family of four if we were to use the entire cow for like 200 days.
I want to say something like that.
It’s like something crazy.
A lot of media that is used to support like vegetarianism.
For example, you know, they say like we’re slaughtering a cow and it like only feeds you a couple of times.
And it’s because in America, like we don’t use the whole cow, but you know, you can start to use more of it by consuming the organ meats, eating bone marrow, eating bone meats, making bone broth, things like that make having gelatin and having collagen.
And it’s also really, really important for yourselves too.
So those would be a few nutrients and a few things to think about to boost your metabolism and start which will ultimately build your capacity before we go to the last step of this process.
Can you talk a little bit about what kinds of magnesium?
Because there’s a lot of different types of magnesium.
And people get so confused about like, you know, I was constantly here like, oh I can’t take magnesium during the day because it’s going to put me to sleep.
But isn’t there a very specific magnesium that actually puts it calms you down and then there’s other magnesiums that you can do for muscle recovery.
So do you want to kind of cover which specific magnesium you’re talking about?
Yeah, I think magnesium gate is cheap and is a really good one for everybody to start with.
It supplies glycine.
In addition to magnesium, glycine is a really important amino acid, especially for people who eat a high protein diet.
It helps to balance the amino acid ratio.
So we were talking about glutamate and Gaba earlier glycine is really important for Gaba and a lot of the amino acids we get from muscle meats will increase glutamate, not in a bad way, but it just in a way that needs to be balanced with collagen with gelatin or even just straight up glycine.
So magnesium glycinate, that’s a really good one to start with.
For topical magnesium, there’s magnesium chloride or magnesium sulfate.
You can also ingest magnesium chloride.
It’s one that I would recommend being like building up to tolerating higher amounts because it can cause like some ramping for people or potentially diarrhea, but it’s generally very well absorbed, which is nice.
And then if you want like a couple of special ones, I think the most, the one that is most likely to help with your sleep would be magnesium acetyl l tarin.
So that one will supply taurine and it very easily crosses your blood brain barrier, which is really nice.
That’s why it helps with sleep.
It helps with stress.
It’s also very well absorbed.
So those are kind of like my three go tos.
I like having a topical one.
I think magnesium glycinate is a super safe one for everybody to use and it’s cheap.
And then if you want to spend a little bit more money for specific stress and sleep support, you could go with the acetyl L Tate as well.
That’s so helpful.
Thank you so much for sharing all that because I think it’s just helpful to like walk that through.
So just to quickly summarize before I go to the last one.
So like in order to recta capacity one, you want to eliminate the threats, but two you want to restore and add to your body, like support your body and give your, your cellular health power.
Is that fair?
And then what’s the 3rd and 3rd is detox?
So I have a nice little acronym to help you with detox because I know everybody is talking about detox on social media and it gets to be really overwhelming and confusing and what’s like, it’s so bizarre to me and this is going to be a slight tangent, but like, people will come into the store that I work at and they tell me that they want to detox and they ask me what supplement they should take for that.
And I’ll ask them like, well, is there like a specific organ you’re trying to detox or you like wanting to do a parasite cleanse or like how are you wanting to feel as a result of your detox?
And people who genuinely do not know?
So I I wanted like dispel detox for you and just make it very simple.
This is certainly not going to be all there is to detoxing.
But remember this acronym, the acronym is Bulls like the Chicago basketball team, the B stands for Bowels and the U stands for urinary.
So generally speaking, we want to be going to the bathroom number one and number two every day, multiple times per day.
It should not be painful.
Your urine should be relatively clear.
Something that a lot of people, a lot of people think they might more hydrated than they are because the water in your toilet bowl is clear.
So however clear your pee looks in the toilet, just know that it’s a lot more yellow if you were to like pee directly into a cup.
So if it’s like kind of yellow, you’re not pretty hydrated, like you’re probably still pretty dehydrated.
And then for bowel movements, there is a chart that I use with all of my clients.
I’d highly recommend checking it out.
It’s very simple to understand.
It’s called the Bristol stool chart.
And it’s a scale of 1 to 7.
And it can tell you a lot about your health in general based on what your poops look like.
So I know that all of us, all, we all, every human I have ever met has this guilty pleasure.
They don’t want to talk about where they look at their poop before they flush it.
And so you might as well be finding out something about your health when you do that.
But generally speaking, you want to go to the bathroom 2 to 3 times per day.
It should be like toothpaste consistency.
You shouldn’t have to be pushing and you don’t want to spend a lot of time sitting on this toilet.
That’s how you get hemorrhoids.
So that’s, that’s B and U bowels and urinary.
Then the two Ls, we have liver.
So I’ll keep the liver stuff very high level.
A lot of liver detoxification, we already covered all of the nutrients that are really important for detox.
Like Tara, like B vitamins, like magnesium.
You can also love on your liver a little bit more by eliminating alcohol and eliminating grains and another thing that you can do to support your liver is grounding.
So we talked a little bit earlier about major threat to our cellular health are these electromagnetic frequencies.
So it turns out that the earth can undo some of the threats that like wi fi are posing to us.
So generally speaking, humans are a positive pole and the earth is a negative pole and electrons will just flow in the direction of the path of least resistance.
And so when you make contact with the earth, the earth will just feed you electrons and our mitochondria run on electrons.
So this is really good for us and it’s specifically really good for your liver.
So that’s liver.
The next l is lymph and the last s is sweat.
So without getting too much into your lymph system, generally speaking, we want to just be circulating the lymph, we can do that through exercise through sauna.
And you know, just generally you want to be sweating.
So you want, for example, if you exercise and you’re not sweating, that’s not good.
You should sweat.
If you go to the sauna and you’re not sweating and you just get really hot, that’s not good.
We’re not detoxifying.
So our skin is our largest detox organ.
So sweat more, move more, eliminate grains and alcohol and go to the bathroom regularly, drink enough water, eat the right fibers, maybe take a probiotic.
It’s really nothing crazy.
I think a lot of people like want to take all these crazy supplements.
I was just talking about this with you and a couple of our friends, like I have been taking basically one supplement, just a magnesium supplement for like three or four months now.
So the least amount of supplements I’ve taken in the last couple of years, I think that you may need to take several supplements when you’re starting this journey of health optimization.
But at a certain point, I think you get rid of all the, all together.
So this these bowls, the detox, it can be done with just food and proper living.
So go touch grass and sweat more.
Yeah, I that’s I thank you for that.
That’s amazing.
And I think detoxing is so important to break down because you know, you just hear detox, like people go to the, go to the juice store and they’re like, can I get the detoxing drink and then you go to this thing?
And they’re like, I want to do this detoxing program.
And I think a lot of the times people are doing it from a place of like weight loss, not necessarily from a place of actually nurturing their health.
And that’s a lesson that I had to learn personally.
And now understanding how our body, our detox pathways actually work and how important it is to get them functioning.
I, you know, I another is something that I’ve done personally to help with my lymphatic system for those that might be interested in knowing like, I do a lot, I do dry brushing, brushing every single morning.
And then right afterwards I give myself like a lymphatic massage to, like, help me detox and open up my detox pathways because I have noticed that like, I tend to sweat less than most people and, but just by doing that, like, I’m waking up my system first thing in the morning and I’m giving it an opportunity to like open up.
Yeah, maybe we can do a whole little episode on that or they can reach out to you about how they can actually detox their, their lymphatic system.
But poops are important.
Clearly, poops are important.
Poops are very important and I don’t think we talk about it enough until you start to think about like, oh, am I really going to the bathroom every day?
And I think the other thing that’s important to notice here is like, are you pooping without coffee?
Like you’re not using something to get you to go to the bathroom because I leverage that for so many years, you know, I would be like, oh, I haven’t poop today, so I have to get a coffee so I can get it going and get a brewing and our bodies are naturally supposed to go on their own and if that’s not happening, then something is clearly wrong and that you can learn so much about your health just by that based on what you told us something that also came up before we conclude here.
You know, remember we were talking about those two people, like, there’s one person that spends millions of dollars, 23 millions of dollars every single year biohacking.
And then there’s this one lady that literally just leverages food nutrition, wellness, everything like this.
And she’s actually aging less than the other guy is.
Yeah, it’s, it’s pretty crazy.
Many of you probably are familiar with Brian Johnson.
He’s kind of like he, I think he was one of the founders of Venmo and he exited Bemo.
And so he’s a tech mogul and he’s a billionaire and he has decided that he wants to spend his money solving for longevity.
And so he has the most rigorous health plan of probably anybody on the planet and he spends $2 million a year plus this past year or maybe even the beginning of this year, he did, he invested $700,000 in an experimental therapy that has no human trials on it.
So, I mean, I don’t know how often he has to get that done, but it might actually be closer to $3 million now on supplements and medications and biohacking tools and blood tests and all this stuff.
And there’s a list of people how quickly their epigenetic age is changing.
And I think his rate is like 0.76 which is top 10 in the world for slowest rate of aging.
But there’s a woman ahead of him who doesn’t take any supplements, I don’t think.
And she like occasionally saunas or cold plunges.
But outside of that, it’s just like whole food living, living in accordance with our biology.
As I’ve mentioned several times throughout this podcast already, like eating clean whole foods and just like, probably having a spiritual practice and being connected in community and like all of those like very basic things.
While Brian Johnson spend $2 million he injects his teenage son’s blood.
That’s literally one of the things that he does that is wild, that is so wild.
Well, thank you so much for coming out of the podcast.
I think it’s so important for us to talk about this because these are things that we can easily implement into our lives today.
And I will say, you know, with my journey, I probably started closer to like, I had parts of it years ago, but like actually putting it all together probably the last two years and I’ve even been doubled down even more in the last year, actually, more like four years because I was working with my Natur pa before that.
And I have noticed a significant change.
Like if you, if anyone here remembers me showing up on Instagram years ago, you saw my face was so swollen and puffy and round.
And now I feel like tracking macros and I was tracking macros and eating like shit and following all these diets and everyone was vegan vegetarian.
I mean, there’s a whole whole list of things and nothing was working properly.
I felt exhausted.
I was chronically fatigued.
My anxiety level was up, was higher.
And yes, I got to work all through that, through like minds work and like inner work.
But I really think that this was like the, the piece too and to this work, you know, it’s so important to remember that it’s all these things, right?
Like our inner well being like our gut influences our brains and vice versa, our brain influences our gut.
So we have to be able to do that.
And there’s also an emotional side of this, which I’m sure we can always talk about too.
But can you share with them what you’re up to today?
And if you have anything that you’re offering as well as what is the best way to contact you if they’re interested in just learning a little bit more about what you’re talking about?
I know you’re going to be dropping a free guide here soon that maybe they can get their hands on.
Yeah, so I am dropping a free guide.
It’s a free guide about health optimization for free.
So, so many of the things that I talked about today are in alignment with your evolutionary biology.
And so it’s kind of like the anti biohacking guide.
I have actually come up with a term for this.
I haven’t even shared it with you, babe.
It’s bio returning.
So there’s biohacking, which is spending as much money as one can to undo all of the problems with America.
And then there’s bio returning where you just live in accordance with our evolutionary and circa in biology, you need to trademark this and it’s, and it’s for free.
So if you would be interested in the bio returning guide or the free guide to health optimization, send me a message on Instagram.
I’m currently at I am Nick Balletto.
I have tentatively created a new Instagram just because we’ve had this Instagram for a long time and it’s got like personal stuff on there.
And so I don’t know if you reach out to me and I am nickle, you’ll find me for sure.
OK, we’ll put, we’ll make sure to put that one in the show notes so people can reach out to you for that for now.
In the meanwhile, I am taking on clients doing anywhere from 12 week programs that are completely self led to my coaching, which developing certain parts of my coaching because the more I’m realizing the like entire last 10 or 15 years of my life, like my life’s work really is there.
It’s all necessary like all of the, all of the health stuff that I’ve learned in the last couple of years wouldn’t have worked if it wasn’t for all the personal development, which wouldn’t have worked if it wasn’t for fitness.
So I’m going to be putting together a really, really cool, super comprehensive guide and coaching program.
That’s going to be all of those things.
But for now I have been taking on holistic health coaching clients if you’d be interested in that too.
Yeah, it’s, it’s really cool to see you step into this wooly and like I just love, I just love sharing your work because you come from, you have so many, you have all the puzzle pieces together.
Like you did somatics, you did emotional work, you did trauma work.
You’ve worked with people on mindset, you’ve done N LP and then he brought fitness and nutrition and now you’re a certified holistic practitioner about to be a traditional naturopathic doctor.
And so it’s such a well rounded gift that I think most people don’t get.
And the way that our medical system is built is like they’re not looking at the human being as a whole and you get to offer that in your work with them.
So anyone that would be able to do that with you would be receiving such a blessing and such a gift.
I’ve already seen it with your current clients and I can’t wait for you to see it to see it happen with others.
So, thank you so much for coming on the podcast.
I love you and let’s get this out there.
I love you too.
Thanks for having me.

In this latest episode with Holistic Health Practitioner Nick Boleto, we covered:

About Nick:

Nick is an expert in strength & conditioning, nutrition, and life coaching with a focus on metabolism and mental health. His approach blends the wisdom of evolutionary and circadian biology with the cutting-edge science of modern biohacking. Beyond his extensive knowledge, he’s known for his emotionally intelligent coaching style and growth mindset. Intellectually curious and endlessly enthusiastic, Nick brings a unique blend of professionalism and humor to every interaction.

Connect With Nick:

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